middle of nowhere

even after all that rushing around, where we've ended up is the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. and maybe knowing isn't the point.

I always carry this little camera in my car, the olympus xa. sometimes I finish a roll in a couple of days, sometimes it takes months. I loaded this film in the beginning of november, finished it during christmas. I got a red/green/blue representation out of the images, which is kinda funny, considering it's a single roll of film. shame I didn't get more "blue" photos.

[olympus xa | rossmann 400 | november/december 2013 | quote by chuck palahniuk's choke]

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400'

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400

olympus xa | rossmann 400


a day on the mountain


thirteen film portraits for 2013